- 中国重申高水平开放和扩大进口的承诺,俄罗斯宣布自愿减少石油供应和出口每天30万桶,直至2023年底。新加坡领导层交接定于2024年举行,以色列对冲突后与沙特阿拉伯实现正常化仍然持乐观态度。
- 美国第三季度GDP预计将因出口增加而大幅提振,而俄罗斯的外债与GDP之比历史上首次跌破15%。与此同时,由于国内消费下降和外部需求疲软,德国经济仍然低迷。
- 中国计划于11月对高质量发展进行全面检查,重点检查16个省份和地区。财政政策和货币政策协同降低地方政府债务风险,专项债券达到1万亿元。第134届广州博览会线下展览规模破纪录,秋粮市场预计将保持稳定。
- 2022年中国创新指数较上年增长5.9%,而美国政府计划以每桶79美元的价格购买600万桶石油作为战略储备。此外,海关改革和破纪录的铁路乘客数量凸显了国内进步。
- 9月份我国一线城市新房价格企稳,同比有所上涨。国家发展和改革委员会与浙江、安徽、广东、重庆等地的节能主管部门举行会谈。经济学家预测,在持续经济政策的推动下,中国第四季度GDP增长将反弹至5%以上。
- 中国第三季度GDP增长4.9%,国内经济基本面明显改善,支持汇率稳定。国家统计局报告称,全国总体需求保持稳定,前三季度核心CPI同比上涨0.7%。
- 10月份,中国人民银行通过中期贷款机制(MCB)净注入28900亿元,创历史新高,表明其支持经济增长的承诺。此举旨在缓解市场流动性并支持地方政府债券发行,而专家表示,如果需要,仍有可能进一步放松政策。
- In September, China's electricity usage grew by 9.9%, with significant increases across all sectors. The country has also built over 2500 digital factories and smart workshops, boosting industrial efficiency. Social financing in September exceeded expectations, signaling potential short-term economic stabilization.
- China has allocated over 10.7 billion yuan to promote inclusive finance in 2023. The country's imports of energy, metals, and consumer goods have also increased, with commodities up 16.5% and consumer goods up 3.1%. Meanwhile, the digital yuan is boosting holiday consumption, with high redemption rates for digital coupons.
- China's economic growth is showing sustained momentum, with experts predicting Q3 GDP growth to exceed 4%. The central bank is maintaining liquidity stability, and local financing platforms are transitioning towards market-oriented debt management. Meanwhile, the US economy remains optimistic despite risks, and Russia has implemented capital controls to stabilize the ruble.
- China's tax cuts and fee reductions reached over 1.15 trillion yuan in the first eight months, significantly supporting the real economy. Meanwhile, auto exports, particularly electric vehicles, saw a substantial increase, with 82.5 million new energy vehicles exported from January to September.
- In Q3, the China SME Development Index rebounded, indicating positive economic growth. Meanwhile, the Ministry of Commerce aims to enhance digital cooperation and trade relations with partner countries, including accelerating negotiations for the China-ASEAN FTA 3.0 version.
- The US Department of Commerce added 42 Chinese companies to its export control list, citing support for Russia’s defense industry. Meanwhile, Anhui province launched 1089 major projects with a total investment of 707.46 billion yuan, focusing on manufacturing and high-tech industries. The third quarter saw a tightening in IPOs, with 12 consumer-related companies withdrawing their applications. Internationally, former US Treasury Secretary Larry Summers warned that the impact of Fed rate hikes is diminishing, increasing the risk of an economic hard landing. Saudi Arabia indicated it might take action to stabilize oil prices if they remain high.
- During the 2023 Mid-Autumn and National Day holidays, China's domestic tourism saw a significant rebound with 8.26 billion tourist trips and a domestic tourism revenue of 753.43 billion yuan. The cultural and tourism industry showed strong recovery, reflecting robust consumer demand and economic resilience. Meanwhile, the U.S. non-farm payroll increased by 336,000 in September, exceeding expectations, and Germany's government revised its economic forecast to a 0.4% contraction for 2023.
- Shanghai Port reported a 3.6% increase in container throughput to 32.14 million TEUs in the first eight months of 2023. Meanwhile, Australian consumer confidence remains low despite strong corporate performance, reflecting a stark contrast between businesses and households. The Japanese bond market is pricing in an end to negative interest rates by January 2024.