- On February 7, TDD's 2024 summary and 2025 work deployment meeting was held at the digital economy headquarters of IBI. The heads of the core industry chain and the core partners of yidoodoo, lldoodoo, nedoodoo, TDD GLOBAL, and CNAUTO participated in the conference.
- 2月8日,巴基斯坦HBL乌鲁木齐分公司代表参观IBI新疆数字经济总部,双方就跨境结算新渠道交流、“一带一路”沿线国内外合作布局等议题进行了深入探讨和交流。
- 2月6日,青岛金丰电缆电线制造有限公司董事长韩金良金丰电缆有限公司(以下简称金丰电缆)及其团队参观了TD。TD副总裁兼跨境产业总经理邵春生代表公司热情接待了参观者,双方就未来合作方向达成高度共识。
- 1月21日,山东琪鲁漆业有限公司总经理孙亮亮公司(以下简称“鲁漆业”)一行参观了TD。DD副总裁兼DD跨境产业总经理邵春生和郑德莲
- 1月17日,IBI拼多多平台2024年工作总结和2025年工作计划会议在IBI数字经济总部一楼会议厅举行。公司领导、董事、监事、高级管理人员200多人
- Recently, Liu Zhai, Senior Vice President of IBI and CEO of TDD, and Shao Chunsheng, Vice President of TDD and General Manager of Cross-border Industry, went to Jizzakh Prefecture of Uzbekistan for investigation and research, and were cordially welcomed by the first Deputy Prime Minister of Uzbekistan and the third Head of Uzbekistan
- 2024年,我们继续巩固行业基础,不断优化工业互联网平台运营,全年组织专题活动100多场。第九届拼多多商业联动节订单量突破336.65亿!
- 12月26日,泰达副总裁兼跨境产业部总经理绍春生和泰达副总裁兼粉末产业链负责人郑德莲前往印度尼西亚雅加达参观玛伦达工业园,并与玛伦达工业园总经理戴宁瑞签署仓储合作协议。
- ASA于2002年成立于南非西开普省亚特兰蒂斯,是一家实心窗、门和门框的制造商,也是散装木材、精选不锈钢五金件、油漆、研磨剂和一系列各种建筑材料的进口商。
- Recently, Duoduo Digital Cloud Warehouse of TDD of IBI in Khorgos was officially inaugurated. It not only marks a new height of the digital layout of IBI's supply chain in Xinjiang, but also brings new opportunities to IBI's e-commerce platforms and upstream and downstream partners in the industrial chains, and injects new vitality into the development of trade along the "Belt and Road" countries.
- On December 24, Wang Qianhui, Chairwoman of Shandong Zengde Aluminum Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Zengde Aluminum), visited TDD of IBI, Liu Zhai, Senior Vice President of IBI and CEO of TDD, and Shao Chunsheng, Vice President of TDD and General Manager of Cross-border Industry
- On December 25, at the release event of the innovative achievements of the construction of the "two zones" in Fengtai District in 2024, the new model of "Belt and Road" B2B cross-border e-commerce industry development and service of IBI was grandly released.
- 十年前,在各方的关注和支持下,DD正式成立,组建团队、搭建平台、优化商业模式……我们充满雄心,决心开始这段旅程。
- 12月16日,乌兹别克斯坦吉扎克地区海姆州长KOMILOV Ibrokhimjon访问IBI开发区。IBI高级副总裁兼TED首席执行官刘斋和TED副总裁兼跨境产业总经理邵春生
- On December 6, the 2024 Ebang Industrial Internet Summit was held in Shanghai. The summit gathered dozens of decision-makers from industrial Internet companies, heads of investment institutions, and industry experts to conduct in-depth discussions on the theme of "Supply Chain Reform and AI Implementation".